Married Couple

Married Couple

Although you are married or in a civil partnership you may not inherit all of the deceased estate, the distribution of your assets all depend on your title or how you own these assets, they may have an agreement that can bypass your Will and dis-inherit your spouse/civil partner. It is a common mistake people make as they just automatically assume their spouse/civil partner will receive everything.

However if your assets are hold solely into your name and you believe it would be a straightforward process if you was to die intestate (without a will) because your spouse with receive everything you need to ask yourself two questions:

  1. How long do you think it will take your spouse/civil partner to inherit your estate?
  2. How much may it cost your spouse/civil partner to inherit your estate?

Without a valid up to date will, trying to obtain grant of probate can take years and cost a lot of money if a professional is hired to obtain probate for the estate.

It is a common mistake that people assume their estate will automatically pass to their spouse if they do not make a Will. However it all depends on how your assets are owned and title.

If you’d like to find out more please contact a consultant, who will be happy to help, on 01604 8073598.

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    Golden Words From Our Clients

    Miss L Harrison

    I would like to say a big thank you to Future Wills, after a difficult time I wanted to make a will and take life insurance to protect my 4-year-old son, your consultant was professional, friendly and patient with me start to finish.

    Miss L Harrison

    Private Client

    My husband was in hospital for several months due to a sudden illness, he had majority of the income going into this account as he would usually ring up and pay the bills or transfer the money across to me. Luckily, Future Wills advised me to have this document in place, I was able to access his bank and make sure all bills were paid on time. One less problem to have at such a difficult time.

    Private Client

    Private Client

    After years of having go visit my father daily, we decided it was best we move him into a care home, he struggled to manage his bills and couldn’t quite understand the process of what was going on. The fact we have both types of Lasting Power of Attorney enabled us to choose the right home to look after him and we were able sort out his pensions, savings and property in order to fund for his care.

    Private Client

    Private Client

    My partner sadly had an accident and lost his mental capacity, the fact I was his attorney allowed me to re mortgage our home and sell the property in order to purchase a house to suit his mobility better. I would not have been able to do this without Lasting Power of Attorney in place.

    Private Client

    Private Client

    I was recommended to set up Lasting Power of Attorney for me and my Wife, I would like to say thank you for the advice. The reason I wish to thank Future Wills, should I ask my wife to prepare such document now, I believe she would not quite understand what is going on. However, this has been taken care of as we set them up whilst we were both happy and willing to prepare for the future.

    Private Client

    Private Client

    I was under the impression a Lasting Power of Attorney was mainly for people who has lost mental capacity. However, with my arthritis being so bad or not wanting to leave the house on some days. My attorneys can step in and help me with my tasks such as picking up my prescription for me, going to the bank and other physical tasks I struggle with now.

    Private Client

    B Titmas

    I had a Will written over 4 years ago, I saw your new client offer and thought I would take advantage and update mine. I was made to understand why my Will is so important and learnt so much information I didn’t know before. I have recommended Future Wills to all my friends & family.

    B Titmas

    Mr and Mrs Wilson

    We saw a Will Writer a long time ago and made Mirror Wills, we decided to see Future Wills to review our current Wills, after a great meeting we decided Mirror Wills wasn’t the suitable option for us and made Protective Property Trust Wills many thanks to Future Wills and their team.

    Mr and Mrs Wilson

    P Greengrass

    I was very nervous about making my Will, it was something I put off for many years. However from the first phone call to returning my Will I was made to feel welcome and the service was very professional.

    P Greengrass
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