Married Couple

Married Couple

Although you are married or in a civil partnership you may not inherit all of the deceased estate, the distribution of your assets all depend on your title or how you own these assets, they may have an agreement that can bypass your Will and dis-inherit your spouse/civil partner. It is a common mistake people make as they just automatically assume their spouse/civil partner will receive everything.

However if your assets are hold solely into your name and you believe it would be a straightforward process if you was to die intestate (without a will) because your spouse with receive everything you need to ask yourself two questions:

  1. How long do you think it will take your spouse/civil partner to inherit your estate?
  2. How much may it cost your spouse/civil partner to inherit your estate?

Without a valid up to date will, trying to obtain grant of probate can take years and cost a lot of money if a professional is hired to obtain probate for the estate.

It is a common mistake that people assume their estate will automatically pass to their spouse if they do not make a Will. However it all depends on how your assets are owned and title.

If you’d like to find out more please contact a consultant, who will be happy to help, on 01604 8073598.

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